Tools for Success! Climbing The Physical Mountain Post #1

“20 years from now you will only be disappointed in the things you Didn’t do than by the things you did do.  So throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore, Dream, Discover!”  Mark Twain

The Physical Mountain!  Simple but hard.  Painful!  So Rewarding!  With the Right tools in your tool chest makes getting the job done so much more fun!  Soon I will post the tools I use in the Kitchen.  For battle to over take and summit this mountain will be won in the Kitchen! 

It is the Fuel you feed the machine determines how this Human body of yours will function at its very best or worst.  The work outs can be done anywhere any place any time!  

 I thought I would share the tools I use and will be using as I post future blogs on my WODs (Work Out of the Day).  For around $500 (minus the Smith machine and Spin bike), you can build yourself a similar home workout space!  You really only need a vivid imagination and the desire to get it done!  Equipment just makes it more interesting and FUN!

Gloves.  You need a good pair of work out gloves.  I like this type of glove.  Trideer  Gloves have a good friction surface to help you hold onto the bars and weights.  They also give good wrist support for Push Ups and Pull ups.

This is a home made wrist twist!  1" PCV pipe cut 8 to 10" in length.  In the center of each pipe drill a hole to accommodate a piece of cord or rope 4 feet in length.  You can then twist the pipe like a throttle on a motorcycle.  Bringing the weight up and down in a slow controlled fashion.  This will build forearm and wrist strength as you hold it out in front of you.

 A set of dumb bells.  I like these from Bowflex.  They are 50# each and you can dial in the weight you want to work with.

Battle Ropes.  I have a 40' foot 2" rope. This builds muscle and  power. I also have a  30' foot 11/2" rope to build speed and cut for definition of muscle.

A LiveStrong Spin Bike.  I use it for HIT training as well as endurance training.

A curl bar for Bicep and Triceps work.  I also use it for upright row and military press.

Sandbags are a great way to build functional fitness.  25  to 150# depending how much sand you put in the bags.  The versatility it builds is so fun! It is impressive.  I do strength cardio and Ruck workouts.  Stayed tuned!

The Smith Cage!  What can I say......Lat Pulls, Military, Bar dips, Cable work, Bench press, Squats, Chest Fly's and Bench allows for Knee extension and Hamstring Flex.  It can adjust to sitting dumb bell work and inverted bench and Ab work.
You can see the Red Ball.  I use for Ab work and Balance strength training.

Push Up bars!  They allow for a deeper Push Up.  I also use them for  Mountain Climbers. Plank Ab work as well!

Pull Up Bar.  I use it for not just pull ups but AB work.  You see the Jump ropes they are a great warm up tool and for HIT training!

My Ab Roller!  Multi directional Abdominal work!  

My Saving Grace!  I love my Yoga Matt.  I use it for Yoga, Balance work and flexibility training.

My Indo or Balance Board!  I got this for my surfing.  It is Awesome!  I do balance, flexibility, upper body, lower body and body weight as well as dumb bell strength training.  Even Cardio!  Great tool to use in a WOD or in font of the TV!

Yes! The Clothes! You have to have clothes that are functional and at the same time make you look great! My SEALFIT-Unbeatable Mind Shirt and shorts are great. They Flex and very comfortable. The Shorts are made from an anti bacterial material so they do not build up a stink after multiple uses! Great to Travel with because this makes the need not to wash after workouts a plus. They can get wet and dry fast! They also have a pocket for my phone. The shoes are Solomon Trail runners! I love the traction on the Sand stone and easy to clear sand on my trail runs. I can run up the sandstone walls by my house! The no tie system is flawless!

The Wolf!  The Courage Wolf is on my
Wall!  I look into the eyes of the 
Courage Wolf as I do my Yoga!
It is a constant reminder that I am to feed the Courage Wolf and Starve the Fear Wolf!  It keeps me focused!  Dialed in on what is important!

There you have it!  Now its time to get it done and get After IT!  



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