Attitude of Gratitude "1,000 Thank Yous"

"Mahalo Ke Akua"

Mahalo "Thank You".  Ke Akua, "God".
Thank you for the clean air that I breath, the fresh water  I drink, the healthy food I eat and the roof over my head.  Most importantly, Thank You for all the wonderful loving people that  have been in my life, currently in my life and  who will come into my life!

Pure Joy is found in the service of others.  When you practice Gratitude, you start to serve, bringing  pure Joy into your life!  Having an Attitude of Gratitude  is found in a practice of Gratitude.  Every day I get up and start my AM ritual.  Part my ritual is to write in my Gratitude Journal.  I start with the 3 things I am  most grateful this day.  As I have done this, I am now experiencing  a shift from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset. 

 Mahalo,  "Thank You".  Ke Akua, "God". Thank you for the clean air that I breath, the fresh water  I drink, the healthy food I eat and the roof over my head.  Most importantly, Thank you for all the loving people that have, currently are and will come into my life!  
 Doing the daily Gratitude  Journal, I have noticed how abundant my life is.  Just by showing up and being grateful for what I have, Life just shows up!  I find my self in Greece experiencing the freshest of fruits , vegetables and great wine.  In Japan enjoyed the best Sushi. 
 I find my self in the Cayman Islands SCUBA diving with people I care deeply about.  I drive in my car or Jeep with top off and feel the sun on my face and the wind blowing my hair (well, I used to have hair). 
Have you ever noticed when  you trail run the  smell of pine and dirt  are in the air? Have your ever smelled the sun? Heard the Blue in the sky? Tasted the wind? Felt the energy of the Earth come up through the ground into your feet  or  feel that  same energy coming from a tree when you place your hand on its bark?  Experience weightlessness as you jump into nipple deep powder and you feel all of your warmth being sucked out you from the snow as you travel down the steepest of slopes?  The feeling of flight when you leave the ground on your mountain or motor cross bike?  Submerge yourself under the ocean only to hear the song of the Whale? Be with your lover, so close you can feel their heart beat right next to yours? 

I have!
I have now l begun  to take the very simplest of ingredients  and do very little to them and create some of the most incredible meals to share with my friends and family.  

I wake up in the morning and I hurt.  But it is a good pain.  The pain of living!  My AM Ritual includes a daily Yoga practice.  After I do my Flow Yoga, my pain is less and I am grateful I am upright and ready for the day.  My workouts are better.  I am getting stronger!  When I am hiking, riding my bike, on my surf board or skiing  I get into the flow state faster and stay there longer.  Just being in the moment.  Same for goes for my job as a physician.

 I have come to witness what I need in my life presents its self.  When I keep it simple, no expectations, a go with the flow attitude, the Universe gives me all I need and then some.  The people I need at that time, show up.  I am in tune to my surroundings and I get impressions to reach out to people I love.  Money shows up when I need it or even unexpected! I have found that having a scarcity mindset brings more scarcity into my life.  This leads to more worries.  More stress.  Being grateful leads to Abundance.  Abundance of love, energy, health and financial security.  The Universes will provide if I just get out of the way.  I Stopped thinking what if?  I stared to think "Why NOT?"!
In the Unbeatable Mind training we are challenged to do crucibles.  Highly Wild and Crazy Goals that will require a lot and bring value to our lives.    At the same time build your skills within one or more of the Mountains of life.  Gratitude is working in two mountains.  Emotional and Intuition.  I thought why not  let the people that have touched my life in a positive way  know how grateful I am.  I want Thank them.  The people Throughout my Life.  Go back to my childhood.  High School, College, Medical School and even my Residency.  

I got the idea after listening to a pod case on Gratitude.  The pod case was about a guy who loved his morning cup of coffee.  He set out on a journey to thank 1,000 people all over world who played a part in bring him his morning cup of Joe.  I thought why not send out 1,000 Thank You cards.  Hand written cards.   I will include those in the past present and future.  I am going to Thank  the people that have a positive influence in my life.  The goal, 1,000 Thank Yous!
The response so far has been so cool!   I have friends I have not talked to  in over 25, 30+  years are calling and catching up.  Talking to them has been like we were never apart! I have experienced so much joy. I have also been reminded how much I love all of them!  It has been nice to have them back in my life again even if was just for a few moments.  So blessed!  So grateful!

 So that is what I am currently working on.  I am now over 100 and continue to press on!  I would encourage anyone to do this exercise.  Maybe not 1,000.  Just start with your family.  See how that goes.

Stay Grateful My friends and Abundance will follow! Abundance flows, service follows leading to pure Joy!



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