Right Here Right Now!
The Tim Farris Pod Cast is one of my go to pod cast that I listened to going to work each day. Tim Asked former Navy SEAL Jaco (Jaco Willink) take his is place while he was on vacation. He was addressing topics like what brings on change? How to be successful in creating positive change. His take away from BUDS training was you change Right here! You change Right now!
You just do not sit around and wait for change. You don't say “I'll do that tomorrow”. The intention is always good. This almost always lacks follow-through. If preparatory efforts are not made with an organizational plan set in place, it almost always leads to disorganization, failure and you are right back into your comfort zone. It must occur instantly in the moment of Right Here Right Now! Objectives must be clear, concise and be achievable.
First step: What is it you want to do or change. What is your "Why". Is your timing right? Do you have the means physically, mentally and financially to accomplish this goal. Time. Do you have the time. You following the 80/20 Rule. Put this Mission into the 20% of what is most important. "First things first" Steven Covey would say. Get it done! Envision what you look like at the end. Breathe. Meditate. Take the time. Set up total success at in your minds eye. See it! Believe it! What does that look like? Write it down.
First step: What is it you want to do or change. What is your "Why". Is your timing right? Do you have the means physically, mentally and financially to accomplish this goal. Time. Do you have the time. You following the 80/20 Rule. Put this Mission into the 20% of what is most important. "First things first" Steven Covey would say. Get it done! Envision what you look like at the end. Breathe. Meditate. Take the time. Set up total success at in your minds eye. See it! Believe it! What does that look like? Write it down.
Second step: get organized. If you want to change or create a new habit like exercising more regularly. You must plan for it. You design the workout plan (your WOD, Workout Of the Day) in advance. Write it down. Then you get organized by setting your clothes out the night before. Envision Getting up. Getting Dressed. Walking into the workout space and just nailing the WOD! Having a great day! In the Unbeatable Mind system your Coach will coach and work with you on how to do this. It is called Dirt Diving your Day. Do it the evening before. This is part of your evening ritual. All the pitfalls and distractions are removed by the pre-workout planning and preparatory efforts the night before. Commit to getting up when the alarm goes off. Snooze button is not an option. The 5,4,3,2,1 Rule. Alarm goes off. You count backwards 5,4...at 1 get up! Get moving! Now go to bed on time.
This works for all aspects of the life. As you go through your day keep asking the question" What is the one thing I can do right now that
will make the rest of what I do today easier or unnecessary?". What is my primary focus today? The one thing I must get done today?
Focus on breaking big things down. This is another one of the tools you will learn in the Unbeatable Mind Coaching and Training. We will give you the tools to use to make this easier. Chunking big goals into simple small achievable ones. Front sight focus goals to aim at. Hitting these targets one at a time leads to forward progression and completion of the larger goal. The Mission. Excellent planning creates efficiency. It sets up success. By planning the day, it makes it easy to live the day.
In SCUBA diving we say plan your dive, dive your plan. This is a really good metaphor how to live life. It leads to focus. You have a plan. You're able to clear out the distractions. Identifying obstacles. Plan to over take them. Staying on task. Mission accomplished! Life Is Being Lived! Right Here! Right Now! In the Moment!
Focus on breaking big things down. This is another one of the tools you will learn in the Unbeatable Mind Coaching and Training. We will give you the tools to use to make this easier. Chunking big goals into simple small achievable ones. Front sight focus goals to aim at. Hitting these targets one at a time leads to forward progression and completion of the larger goal. The Mission. Excellent planning creates efficiency. It sets up success. By planning the day, it makes it easy to live the day.
In SCUBA diving we say plan your dive, dive your plan. This is a really good metaphor how to live life. It leads to focus. You have a plan. You're able to clear out the distractions. Identifying obstacles. Plan to over take them. Staying on task. Mission accomplished! Life Is Being Lived! Right Here! Right Now! In the Moment!
The keys are recognizing what specific positive change(s) that need to be made. The High Value Targets. Then do the planing, organize and commit to action! Just say to your self "I change right here! Right now!". This takes discipline. It requires mental toughness. Have a positive mental attitude. Envision succeeding in your mind first. Do not forget good old fashion elbow grease. in other words, DO THE WORK! Its called Accountability!
Plan-Organized-DO and Review.
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