Facing Fear. Does your water run deep?

The Redirection of Fear 

"Still water runs deep"
Mark Divine  

Because of the COVID-19 (CV19) pandemic we have all been under significant stress and fear of the unknown.  As the issues have become more of a reality, it has been interesting how each of us as individuals have handled it.  From complete disregard to total panic, to hoarding behaviors.  Some run and hide.  Others hit it head on looking for solutions. No fear!  I got this! 

What is the defining difference of management of fear? There are two motivating human emotions:  Fear and Love.  If you can  understand  fear and love, you  can  predict behavior.  Fear eventually burns out. One gives up, gives in and quits. 

True unattached unconditional Love never burns out. 

As a tidal wave moves through the oceans deeper waters the surface is rarely disturbed.  As the wave gets closer to the shallow, the bigger the disturbance.

Living in emotional deep water is unconditional love for yourself, for others, for your life's purpose.  The tidal waves of life are now just meir ripples. 

This type of  love, is the foundation for Still Waters.  Still Waters are the strength to face fear head on and overcome it.

To live here it takes practice. You must get really Still.  Quiet.  You go deep within to identify fears.  

These fears are liken to ghosts in the background that you may not even know are there. 

By identifying fears that negatively motivate you, you are listening to your inner voice. Through the deep work and recognising self talk,  you gain intuition.  You learn to remove fears from you circular thought patterns.   You start to listen to those around you pointing out fears and you identify theirs. 

You be more tolerant, more loving.  Quick to gain understanding of  yourself and fellow travelers.  Building tolerance, strength and  grace for more forgiveness of self and others.  This is unconditional love.

You become Actionary.  Not Reactionary.  You are willing to let go. You gain a knowing "everything is going to workout".  

The only environment you can control is your own internal environment.  Through love of purpose you embrace the suck!  This deep internal environment gives you strength.  

You become a Kahuna.  The all knowing.

This takes daily practice.  Breath and  meditation work.  You go deep into your sole.  Listen.  Explore. Visualize. 

You gain a witness of your negative self talk (fear state).  You interdict immediately  to what you witnessed.  Making a positive change in your internal environment.  You redirect with positive emotion toward solutions.  You are on constant alert to maintain the state of the witness.  Moving at light speed when you witness the negative, take immediate corrective action.  This becomes a Habit.  

You build mental toughness. Experience joy.

Today I am walking the path to living in internal deep water.  

This time of CV19 is a fearful and stressful time.  We are all facing the unknown.  It is hard!  It is Scary!  

Get quiet.  Get calm! You got this!  

Time is now to start living in deep waters!

God Bless my friends!



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