What do you make of all the Madness?

"Well,  like most hardships this will materialize as a blessing in the rearview mirror.  I work with 51 cities throughout America.  I am of the firm belief that Americans are too busy working mostly to buy shitt they really do not need and chasing a fairy tail of a happier tomorrow.

This implosion  will force people to slow down, focus on their families and take stock on their lives.  Yes, lots of people will have lost their jobs.  It will be tuff in the short run.  According to Gallop, 70% of Americans they don't like their jobs anyways.  This crisis gives us a chance to reboot.

About 70% of our chronic  disease crisis here in America , 71 % of Americans are  obese or overweight.  Which makes up 85% of our  annual $3.7 Trillion dollar health care bill which is driven by our toxic food environment.  The average American eats out 110 times a year.  Each time consuming 300 extra salt/sugar laden calories that had they eaten at home would not be there.

This lock down afords people the chance to learn how to cook again and it might just ease some of the health burden.  The Japanese charter for crisis is amalgam an of hardship and opportunity.  There will likely be a year or two of uncomfortable change and some hardship.  But you and I  Lance, we both have great capacity to endure hardship and for us we well be able to see and seize the opportunity.  And even for people that will suffer more than us, I think they will find they can make chicken sandwiches out of what now seems like Crona chicken  shit.  Stay healthy!"

Dan Buettner
The Blue Zones
A letter to Lance Armstrong on the Forward Podcast.

Stop and think about what he just said. We Americans are so busy!  We have lost sight  on what really is important in life!  Family, Friends and Joy!  We are working ourselves to death at jobs most of us do not like and chasing a fairy tail of happiness!

We are one of, if not the most unhealthy country on the planet!  Eating ourselves to death!  Crap food and sedentary  life style.  Our obesity is directly related to heard disease diabetes cancer dementia and an early death.  Costing us trillions of health care dollars that by simple changes in how we eat, sleep and exercise could not only save money, but lead to a much healthier  and higher quality of life.

I am taking stock in my life.  How I eat and exercise.  How I sleep.  I how treat others.  Most importantly,  how I spend my time with family and friends!

Dan is right.  This SARS-CV2/COVID has given us a gift!  A gift to reboot our lives!  To become healthy angan.  Physically, Mentally, Spiritually and financially strong again.

Make America Strong again.  Bring back MAde in America again.  Support the American small business.  Strengthen our families again!

I am in reboot mode!

How about you my friends?



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