Envision Success. Eagle's Mantra #10!

Envision Success!

One of the Four Cornerstones to Mental Toughness.  The 10th and final of the Eagles Montra!

Once you know what or who you want to become, what you want to have or go after, focus on it.  Sit down and break apart the goal, the dream. See the Mission start to finish.  Successful completion!

Identify the micro targets you must aim for and take out.  Taking down each one systematically.  As you take out each micro target you get closer to Mission completion and success!  

Yes, some targets will be easy and some will be very very difficult.

This is where  vision and focus or Envisioning your success trains your mind and gives you the mental muscle memory to get it done!

Start by getting really quite.  A deep meditative state.  Then in your minds eye, see yourself overtaking each micro target.  What does that look like?  Then See yourself at the end with mission success!

What does that look like.  Feel Like? Taste like?  Smell like? How do you look? How do others see you?  Treat you?  Envision yourself being that person! Achieving!  Winning!  Succeeding!

Practice this Envisioning process regularly.  

Now, Go Get It Done!

You Got This!




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