

You can learn a lot from a tree. 

Trees absorb the energy given freely from the sun and turn it into food so they can grow.   They share their fruit with others to be feed as well. 

They breath in carbon dioxide and breath out oxygen. Filling the world with life giving resource so others can live.

In the Fall they let go of their dead leaf’s so in the spring they can renew. 

What if you were like a tree?   You take in energy  from the Universe to nourish your soul creating positivity to share.

What if you took in  the toxins you encountered changed them, and then released them back into the world to give and support life.

What if in the Fall’s of your experiences you let go of your dead leaf’s? 

The thoughts, beliefs that no longer serve you. The negativity that holds you back. 

Letting go so you can renew, grow and become stronger in the springs of your life experiences.

 What if you could be more like a tree?

Good day my friends!


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