The Duck Dive

"The wise person not choosing to jump into floodwaters, but when surrounded by them, accepting struggle, endure by choosing peace over war".  

Seneca, Moral Letters, 28.7

This is surfing.  Actually, this is Life! 

A  surfer paddling into big waves, will relax, go with the flow.  Meets the  wave.  Duck dives under the wave avoiding the full power and upward force.  Drawing onto the face of the wave. 

The same can be true in life when facing daunting and overwhelming stress, tragedy negativity or trauma. 

What is a "Duck Dive"?  

It's when a surfer changes their position on the board as large wave approaches. 

Large waves have the force to pick up and crash the surfer down on to the reef.   The wave also has an opposite and protective energy.

There are dual and opposite forces creating a wave. 

The one we all see on the surface of the Ocean.  Moving forward.  The wave rises up as it moves toward the beach. 

The other is moving in the opposite direction.  This force is created at the point where the wave meets the surface of the water.  This opposite force created by the outgoing energy in an opposite and equal reaction to the waves energy by the shore. 

This force, when positioned right, pulls the surfer into and under the wave.  Pulling the surfer to safety.  Under the wave as the wave moves right on by.  

Mother Ocean has placed her loving arms around the surfer for only a brief moment.  Pulling the surfer into a position of pure bliss.  Weightless, silence and safety under the wave.  A place of pure calm.  A true Zen moment.  

By changing position, the surfer avoids potential  trauma.   Avoiding the possibility of being pinned to the bottom of the ocean or scraped across the reef.  

During the Duck dive,  there is peace under the wave surrounded by the silence of submersion. The wave passes over head.  Arise to keep moving forward without loss of position. BECOMING ONE WITH THE OCEAN.

The surfer emerges safely and continues using  the rip current to pull them out to the line up.  Unscathed. 

You can do this in life.  When you identify the waves (Stress, Trauma)  of life are about to crash down on you, take a breath.  Breathe.  Get calm.  Go within.  

Change your mental position.  Focus on your foundtonal Mindset, Soul Set, Heart Set, and Health Set.   

Without engaging in the negativity you find yourself in a place of Zen.  You are within yourself in balance.  Centered.  Arise.  Arise with focus and strength to continue on.  Without a loss of position! 

If you engage in the negative, you might just get crushed. You will definitely have a loss of position in the opposite direction. Back toward the beach. 

From the Duck Dive position you are harnessing this opposite energy, you using it to your advantage. Going within, you becomie one with yourself.  Because God/Tao resides within you, you become one with God.

Arise.  You move with positive momentum with the rip current pulling you out to the line up.  

Regroup and ready to face the challenges and Joys of Surfing (living). 

Becoming one with Tao/God (stay tuned for my upcoming post on Tao #33).

You have a Knowing.  A knowing everything is going to be alright.


Good day my friends!


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