40 Days A Son's Wisdom


"40 Days"

Recently my son Scott and I are sitting in the back yard taking in the stars. Spending  time together.  A great way to close the day.  

Cold Beers in hand he starts asking me questions.  

"Dad, How old are you now?".  "So, What is the average life expectancy of a man in the United States today?"  I start thinking  "where is this going?'.  

Knowing how smart he is and how intuitive he is I start thinking this is going to go deep. 

So, Dad.  "How many days/experiences have we had this year together?"  "Two" I answered.

He then does some simple math.  If you live to the average age of 75 years of age, that calculates to  on average you have 20 years left.  We spent 2 days together this year.  That totals 40 days.

"What?" I said.  Yes.  Think about it.  On average, you and I have 40 days left together.  Then you are gone!  I didn't tell him my goal is to go surfing on my 100th birthday.  He makes a good point!

Just stop and think about that!  40 Days!!  That's it if we do not change something.  That is all we have together.  Assuming you live to an average age. Regardless, it hit me hard!

Then he said "I find that unacceptable!".  "So what are we going to do about?".

"Plan accordingly to make a change" I said.  

What are your priorities?  

Who and what is important to you?  
What are the obstacles in your way?  
How do you remove the obstacles?

Are you getting it done?

Life is about priorities.  What is really important? 
Time, our most valuable asset!  
Time with people we love.  
Do Not Waste It!

Good day my  friends!


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