Life Guards and Angels

Life’s Angels and Life Guards

As I grow  and climb up the Intuitional Mountain, I have come to appreciate that still small voice in my head.  I am learning the value of paying attention to it.  When it tells me to call a friend or reach out to someone I do it.  I am more willing now than ever to face my fear.  I listen when it tells me to avoid a danger. It tells me to  chase a  dream I do it. Get uncomfortable, OK.  I do it!  It's living from the Heart!  Living from your Gut! You never know when or if you are ever going to see that person again. These moments are so valuable.  Listen. Respond. It  can and will keep you out of trouble.  You may even  help a fellow traveler.  Being in  the right place at the right time to help a friend or even a stranger in need.  Being that persons Life Guard.  Guiding that person to safety.  The opportunity to be someones Angel.  Their support.  Their Rock through a hard time.  If you are not in tune with this intuition or small voice, you are missing valuable opportunities to serve.

You may even miss an opportunity to help your self avoid danger or set on a course of pure bliss.  This skill must be developed through the practice of getting quiet.  Then taking action.  Getting out of your comfort zone and Live!

During my third year of residency I admitted one of my favorite patients. I had been caring for her for the previous three years. She was diagnosed with cancer and had completed her surgery when we first met. She was starting her first round of chemotherapy and it was my job to admit her to the hospital and get her tuned up, so to speak. Get her ready to start treatment. Over the next three years we became close and it seemed like I was always the one to admit her for chemotherapy or to treat the side effects of the toxic regiment she was receiving.

She was a local Librarian and very well read. This gave us a lot to talk about on those long stays in the hospital. She was always up beat and dressed with a smile. She would always state in a matter of fact way, “I am going to beat this Dr Nichols. With your help we will beat this! Do not give up on me!"

This night was different. She was very weak and I could tell she was not doing well. When all the paper work was done, she asked to make one change. That was to her Code status. She had given up the fight and asked to be a “No Code”. I tried to talk her out of it. Despite my best arguments she would not have it any other way. She then asked to talk to me alone without the medical student or the junior resident.
When everyone had left the room she preceded to explain to me how I had been her Guardian Angel throughout this ordeal looking after her, making sure all her needs were met, and that she had the best care possible. She thanked me and wanted me to know she had come to the hospital that night to die in peace. She was crystal clear I was to follow her wishes regarding her “No Code” status.

She then went on to tell me that the wish she is going to make at the gates of heaven was to come back to earth and be my personal angel. She wanted to repay me for all that I had done for her. She said she is going to sit on my shoulder and look out for me and protect me from harm. We talked for a few more minutes; I gave her a hug and went on with the duties of being on call.  This touched me deeply.  From my stand point I was just doing my job. The job that  still small voice in my head kept telling me I needed to be doing for her these past 3 years.

At about 2 A.M. I got a call from the charge nurse to come to my patient’s room. When I arrived she had passed on.

Since then I have come to appreciate that we are not going through this life alone and we all share a responsibility to look after one another. Either in the capacity as Angel or in what I like to call Life Guards.

Listening and responding to this voice is a big part of the  Intuition Mountain.  Working through the Unbeatable Mind program I am sharpening these tools and the exercises I do help build and strengthen this aspect of my  life.  I have started  to pay real close attention to my heart and what it is telling me.  When my  "Spidey" sense or gut starts to talk to me, I listen.   I have become very observant of my surroundings. Better yet,  I have started to act.  Showing up when I have no clue why.  They ask Why  or how did you know?".

I know now we all need to stay in tune with that inner voice when it talks. Just like in Magnum PI. Listen to IT! Do not ignore the prompting to help a fellow traveler. To face a fear.  Do something uncomfortable.  Try something new your gut says to go for it!  Avoid the  paths it is tells you not to go down.  You never know when you are being called upon to be that Life Guard or an Angel  for someone else.

Whether you are an Angel or a Life Guard, the small things you do for others do not go unnoticed. Strive to be an Eagle soaring above, observing.  Have the willingness  to  sore ready to serve and go the extra mile. Do not be a Duck sitting around quacking about how bad things are. Have an Attitude of Gratitude!

God bless great friends!

 I am blessed to have great family and friends in my life!  Thank you all!



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