Aloha "The Breath of Life"

 To Breathe or Not to Breathe, That Is The Question

Aloha! Stand up and say it real loud ALOHA! Does that not feel really good! ALOHA!

What  is Aloha?  It is Hawaiian for Hello and Good-by.  When I lived in Hawaii and with my travels back to the Islands I have come to understand it has a much deeper meaning.  Far more significant.  It has a depth.  It is Unconditional Love.  It is Peace.  It is Spiritual.   It is a paradigm for Life.  It is a way of life.  A Life Force! Understanding the root of the word  Aloha, Ha in Hawaiian means "breath"  or in other words "to Breathe Life". 

The very first thing you will learn in the Unbeatable mind training is how to Breathe.  Breathe you say?  Yes, Breathe! But I have been breathing  my whole life. 

Yep! you are so right!  But what you may not know there is a right and wrong way to breathe.  The breath is tied the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous systems.  Or your flight or flight response.  When you learn to breathe correctly, you can control you emotional state.  Now you have a very powerful tool.  A tool to calm emotions.  Calm your current state of Mind.  Getting control of emotion allows for better focus.  Control of thoughts.   Better problem solving.  More awareness of your current surroundings.  An awareness of everyone and everything.

You want more Aloha in your life?  It starts with the Breath.  It takes practice every day.  I stared with Box Breathing.  I recommend using the Unbeatable Mind Box breathing App you can get at the App store (Unbeatable Mind Box Breathing).  It has a video demonstration.  Here is a Video with Mark Divine going through how to start the process (Mark Divine Box Breathing).  As you work thought the Unbeatable Mind training you will lean other exercises in breathing practice.

 The Aloha Spirit is having balance in the physical, mental emotional and intuition of the human experience.  As you incorporate this practice, you become calm.  You start to listen and hear the voice of your inner sole.  The monkey mind goes away.  You become focused.  You gain insight and understanding.  You start to understand and love yourself.   This clarity helps you find your "Why" or your  Purpose and Passions. You tap into your source.  The same source that pumps my heart, pumps your heart! We are all sharing  in part the same source.  It is the same energy beating all our hearts! The Aloha Spirit in action, is unconditional love! The Breath of Life!

So say ALOHA! Keeping in mind we all are from the same source. So fill your heart with the Aloha Spirit!  Take a deep breath and Breathe!  Just Breathe! 

ALOHA my Friends!


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