
When I was growing up as a young man a metaphor  I was taught by my tribal  leaders was about a Kite.  When you fly a Kite the string is what gives the Kite its stability.  The stings connected to the ground is what keeps the Kite in flight and not whisked away in the wind. Keep a tight hold to the ground through the string.   The Kite is you, the Sting is the principles taught. This guiding principles are what will keep you grounded and safe.

I asked the question "What if there is a storm?  A Kite bound to the ground by string will  that not tear apart the Kite?".  The string becomes a burden.    Like the elephant and the string. A false thought.   A chain.  What If I am not a Kite?  But an Eagle?  Then the string becomes a rope that ties me down.  Causing me  harm.  Preventing me from soaring high above the storm. It Keeps me from soaring high in flight and reaching my full potential.  The string becomes bondage. What I was being taught by my tribe was actually hurting  me. 

I realized I am  not a Kite.  I am an Eagle.  I cut the ropes. I rid myself of the false paradigms I was taught.  I used the ropes to make me stronger.  There have been and will be  ropes (challenges, negative thoughts, falsehoods) that pull me down. I now use them to make me stronger and gain wisdom.  I then cut them! Freeing me of the burden. 

As a free  Eagle, I now fly  high, stronger than ever! Out of or away from the storm!  I have insight and a vision from high above.  I have the focus of an Eagle.  The Grace!  I have now become a stronger member of my Tribe! Self confident!  Healthy in Mind, Body, Spirit and Heart (Kokoro)! 

Cut away from the ropes of your life that are holding you back!  Soar!  Fly High!  Succeed!  IT IS TIME To FLY MY FRIENDS!


Stay tuned!  Next time, Be in Life like and Eagle!  Not a Duck!

“The world I live in is a world where nobody is settling

 for what they could do yesterday!  They push 

themselves to overcome limits placed in front of them”


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