It's My Tribe! Don't Mess With My Tribe!

My tribe:
We are health minded physically active people. We pursue excellence in all things but understand there is no such thing as perfection.

 We are visionary dreamers and leaders. We are calm of spirit and nonjudgmental. Giving unselfishly. We understand the value of friendship and family. We seek to better ourselves and make the world a better place. 

We serve ourselves as well as others. We work from a place from within our selves moving outward.  Being the change in the world we want to see.  

We love life and are forgiving of our selves and others.  We back away, disengage or avoid negative energy.

We pursue financial stability. We seek monetary reward to strengthen our foundations. The goal is to make a more simple life but yet live a high quality of life.   Less dependent on others and work toward self reliance. We are not necessarily focused on material but on lifestyle.  Quality over quantity.   Try not to waist resources.  

We have a pay it forward mentality.   Passing on to others and generating positive momentum for good in the world.  

We support family and friends. Family is above all else,#1. Followed by your inner most circle of friends.  Your 1,000 mile friends.    

We eat healthy.  Rest. Exercise.  Keeping  our bodies healthy in Mind, body and Spirit is the foundation of life.   

We are consistently learning. For life is always teaching. 

 We take time to be quiet to build our inter-spiritual peace.  We have no regrets! 

Live with Pure love, pure joy!  The Aloha Spirit!



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