Simplify "A Hero's Journey"

"I went to Medical school to help myself and others live the best and healthiest lives possible.  The day I started Medical School was the day I started  down the path of dis-Health or Disease (Diss Ease) . 

So what is a Hero's Journey?  Why not just become "Enlightened"?  Practice Mindfulness? Or, Better yet, go to therapy the rest of your life doing mental masturbation on how bad your childhood was.  The poor me I am  not responsible feel good approach?  Blow smoke up your ass and blame  the world for all your of problems "this really is not my fault".  My question to myself was and still is "how do I get better?".  How do I become the very best version of myself?  How do I not only become the very best version of me on the inside but outside.  Physically Mentally and Spiritual self.  The BEST son, brother, nephew, grandson, friend, husband, father, student, doctor and Human can I become?  Have Peace, Joy and Love?  What does that look like for me?  Defined by me?

"If there is any Drama, Resentment, Bitterness or Anger in My Life, it is MY FAULT!"  Sean Whalen

The answer:   Seek enlightenment! Practice Mindfulness! Get your ass in therapy! Get a Coach! Find mentors and follow their example! Surround my self with like minded people!  Spend as must time as you can with the  5 people you want to become like the most!  Get a Personal Trainer/Physical Therapist to train me! A massage therapist to heal me!  A doctor with prevention and wellness as their focus to watch over me! Get smart about diet and nutrition! Make sure I am getting the rest/sleep my body mind and spirit needs to repair and recharge the system. Deal with and remove the Stress from my life!  Live in the Moment!  Live each second with Front Sight focus on savoring the Moment! For it is the Right now or the Moment we are currently living in is all we have.  Savor it!  Experience Life every day with the bewilderment as though it is your first day on Earth.  Use all of your senses to experience  life as though its your last moment to live!  The past is gone and the future will never be.  For it is within each of these Moments we are living! This is what is Real!  This is Life!   This is Living!

An individual  must Face Their  Fears and DO the WORK! 

You can not do this alone.  You need to identify at least 3-1,000 mile friends.  The most valuable people in your  life!  Why identify these individuals?  Who are they?  It has been demonstrated through the Blue Zone research that people that have relationships like this live longer and have more Joy and Happiness.  They are no judgment people. They are the people you call when shit hits the fan.  When it is dark inside or outside.   The place Sean Whalen describes  "the realization  you don't like the taste of gunpowder in your mouth".   When you are in real Physical, Mental or Spiritual danger or on your last nickel. It is when you are in need of rescue.  These are your 1,000 mile friends!  They know metaphorically where the "dead bodies" are buried.  You know 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, if you are in trouble anywhere in the world, one if not all of these people will drop everything and come to your rescue.  You Call.  They come no questions!  They are also the VERY First people you call to share you life with when things go RIGHT!.  Your Joy! Your WINS!  When something great happens to you, these are the people you can not wait to call and share the News with!  They are the people you share the EXCITEMENT of your Life! They are also the people you serve (stay tuned for another post).

The Hero's Journey is the WHOLE process of personal growth in becoming the VERY BEST version of you!  The version defined by you! This process never stops!  You become physically in the best shape of your life and you maintain it.  You seek wisdom and become smarter than you every have been before.  You become a communicator,  a listener. You become the Spiritually Enlightened.  In tune with your spirit, "Gods" energy that resides within you!  You climb the 5 mountains of Physical, Mental, Emotional, Intuition, and Kokoro the Heart Mind Connection.  You become the 1,000 mile friend.  The person you want others to be for you.  This is the Hero's Journey!  

I went to Medical school to help myself and others live the best and healthiest lives possible.  The day I started Medical School was  the day I started  down the path of dis-Health or Disease (Diss Ease) .  Became a reactionary provider and unknowingly learned how to be or live unhealthy and support an unhealthy system that actually creates dysfunction,  disease,  poor physical, mental and spiritual health.  

The day I did my 3P’s  exercise for my  Unbeatable Mind training (Passion, Purpose, Principles) I figured out my "Why" and I stated my Ethos, is the Day I reversed the course.  Now I am redirected to becoming the very Best version of me! Becoming a part of the solution.  Practicing Better Mental, Physical and Spiritual Health for myself while at the same time help others to do the same!  I am becoming the change from within me moving outward.  Staring in my micro environment, being the change I want to see for the rest of my world. 

My Journey through medical school only reinforced the trauma of my up bring in the "Mormon" culture.  The constant message I was raised with in the LDS faith tradition of  you are not "worthy".  You will never be good enough in Gods eyes.  The abuse of this power lead to low self esteem.   Self doubt and a compulsive shame driven emotion toward someone else's unhealthy definition of  physical mental and spiritual perfection.  I had no say, no voice!  If I wanted to turn left in this right turning tribe, I would be shamed and shunned.  

So I entered my medical training.  I out worked almost everyone.  Graduated at  the very top of my class.  Took the abuse in my residency training as a badge of courage.  Like surviving  a war.  Then realizing  my training was an adult form of child abuse.  Very similar to the culture  I was raised in.  Respect Authority at all costs.  The statement I became known by  was "I have to, it will not look good if I don't".  This was driven by my lack of self voice, low self esteem,  shame and guilt given to me by my culture or tribe if you will.  I missed out on so much.  I became a broken Robot. 

I  discovered that what I was being told by my culture and taught  my whole life growing up was a lie. I had to get out.  I did! I ran!  

I started searching. I found mentors, coaches and eventually SEALTFIT-Unbeatable Mind.  I found my "Why".  It had always been there.  The True me. I found the Johnny as my friends used to call me.  The person I am deep down. Full of Joy, Love, Compassion and Desire to help others.  The reasons I became a doctor.  

I stared down this Hero's Journey.  A Journey that I now understand will never end. I am  now going after the life  I define for me.  The life I want to live.  Become the person I seek to become.  This is my journey.  The path I am on.  This is the  story of where I have been, where I am going, the here, the now!  

I want to help others do the same!  

Stay tuned!  This is how I am  creating a Simple life.  The best life defined by me!  The tools I will share I know  will help others do the same!  

Simplify "A Hero's Journey".

Become the Hero for yourself as well as for others!  Become the Hero not or no longer the ZERO!



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