Push away the Nay Sayers! Eagles Mantra #3!

Prove Them WRONG!

The Eagles mantra #3 is push away all negative people in your life.  Dismiss them.  Negative is a draining energy.  Life is too short to be drained.  People that tell you, you can't or you shouldn't, live their life in Fear.  They live from a position of scarcity.  They have self doubt.  They are disconnected from the powerful positive life force the Universe has to offer.  

When you Push out the Negative People You:

Partner with Universe to Breathe Positive energy into your life!

Believe in your self.

Face your fears.

Embrace all that is good in your life!  

Understand gratitude is the Key to abundance.   You are enough!

Manifest your Dreams.

Have a knowing when you say "hold my Beer"  you will not only do and accomplish what you said you would, but you do it with style, faience and grace!

You smile to the negative and say "Thank you, but no Thanks.  I got this!".

You Let go of outcomes!  You have a internal knowing all will work out and life is perfect!

You expect to fail knowing failure is just a lesson making you better!

You embrace obstacles as learning opportunities to build strength and better life skills.

You Live in the moment! For it is all you have!

“Do not go where the path may lead;
go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson, American essayist and poet (1803–1882)

Stay Positive!  Be the light of Positive Energy in the darkness  for others to follow!



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