Ducks and Eagles

The Duck Pond

“The Easy Path leads to the Hard Life, The Hard Path leads to the Easy Life” 

Are you a Duck?  Are you and Eagle?  Are you a Eagle convinced you are a Duck?

Ducks: Live in the the Duck Pond. Ducks keep repeating the same thing again and again getting the same results.  They  swim around the pond constantly complaining "Nothing in my life every changes".  The negative Nellie.   They do just what is asked. Never go the extra mile.  They complain "quack" to everyone how unfair life is.  They live within their comfort zone.  The place of cozy and familiar.  They don't realize this is a sweet poison silently killing their inner Soul.  We have all had that waiter or person behind the counter who is rude and can not or will not help you because of "this" or "that" reason.  That is a Duck!

Eagles:  Live in the sky high above.  Eagles regularly  get out of their comfort zone.  They think out "of the box".  Anticipate needs.  Eagles go to the fight before it comes to them.  No excuses.  They show up ready every day!   They fly high above souring to great heights to be a trouble shooter. They get out in front of potential problems and prevent them from ever becoming an issue.  They take off their masks.  They are authentic.  No need to maintain any illusion of who they are.  Not afraid to stand naked with their faults and imperfections exposed.  Eagles are Bald remember!

They know and understand their loved ones, friends and clients.   The Eagle listens, seeks to understand first.  You know the type!  You go to a restaurant, stay in a hotel or person behind the counter that goes out of their way for you. That special someone in your life that serves you in a way seems  small,  but  huge to you!  Demonstrating caring, love, understanding and they actually listened. These are people you write the 5 + Star reviews.

They  do their own personal improvement work.  These are the Eagles!

Have I ever swam in the Duck Pond?  Yes.  Many times.  What I have realized, I like being out of the comfort zone.  I don't like swimming in the Duck Pond of negativity.  I like being a part of the solution.  It is AWESOME to fly with the Eagles!

Get out of the Duck Pond!

We do not change by thinking, we change by being and doing with pure intent!
Baron Baptise

Stayed tuned more to come!


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