Be Kind. The Eagle's Mantra #7!

Be Kind!

To be Kind is the innate ability to listen first to understand.  Not listen to just respond.  It is listening from the heart.  You show a genuine understanding and compassion toward another human being.  You not only listen to what the other is saying with their words but their tone of voice and body language is key.  You pay attention to the whole.  You are careful to listen to your inner voice and respond to what your intuition is telling you.  You give support.  You give grace.  You give forgiveness.  You share your joy.  You share your love..  You share your life!  To be kind is to seek to alleviate pain and suffering.  It is to be of service.  To show up when you are needed without being asked.  You share your valuable time unselfishly. It is to do what is right.  When you are kind you redirect the spotlight on to others and  celebrate your team and seek to take the focus off of yourself. Kindness is not just given to others, but to yourself.  

Kindness is living internal state of positive calm sharing an attitude of gratitude!

Be Kind my Friends!

“People do not care about how much  you know until they realize how much you care”  About them! 
T. Roosevelt



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