Healthy Eats!

Healthy Cooking Made Easy!

One of the fun ways I have found to healthy eating is with the use of a Bamboo Steamer.  Easy to use and inexpensive.  It is a true KISS technique in cooking!

First assemble your ingredients.  I like fresh Veggies.  Slice and dice!  Get all the prep work done.  Be creative in placement in the Bamboo steamer.

If using proteins like chicken or fish I recommend a small plate in the steamer to rest the chicken or  fish on.  When using shrimp,  I like using parchment paper.  Wrap the shrimp by folding the paper up tight  and place in the Bamboo steamer.  You want to protect the Steamer from the oils of the fish and chicken.  

Once the Bamboo Steamer is full, put it back together.  Get you water boiling in a pot.  Once the water is boiling, place the Bamboo steamer on top and steam  for 8 to 10 minutes.  Remove from heat.  Add salt pepper and a squirt of lime juice and serve!

I was able to get 2 dinners and a breakfast out of all the food I made in this one use of my Bamboo Steamer!

You will not believe the wounder flavor and freshness to  your food!

The quality of fuel you put into determines the quality of  the output performance of your body!

Enjoy my friends!.  



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