Go After What You Want! Eagles Mantra #5!

“This valuable Life!  What are you going to do be of value 

today, tomorrow, in 1 year, in 50 years?” 


Life is lived in the brief moments.  Some say life is short.  I guess it is if you live from a place of scarcity.  If you live each moment with complete focus on that moment of time, forget the past and understand the future is only a possibility,  now your are living.  Abundance!  Life is not short but full of Excitement, Love and Joy!  Now make the conscious choice to go after what you want!  Make the Conscious choice to live!  Life is no longer short! It is  High Value Energy never ending! 

What is it you want out of the moments of your life?  

When you go after what you want you:

Find fulfillment! 

Discover you are living from a place of love!

Find pure Joy!

Have purpose!

You understand you must serve others, help others to get what they want first. Then the Universe pays in spades!

Understand Quitting is a permanent  solution to a temporary problem!

Build a foundation of Excellence.  You become the very best at what you want to be, have or become. With this foundation in place, Go Get What You Want!

Can't perform at highest levels if  that is in direct opposition or not in alignment with who you  really are! Chose to be in the very best mental, physical, mental  and emotional health.  You must work constantly to maintain.  Keep an attitude of gratitude through a positive mindset!

Fight for your Dreams!

Be very Clear on purpose, Mission Clarity!  Then Never Ever Give up, Never Ever Give IN!

Life is about Who we Chose to become.  Who you become will make you really Happy or Really Sad!

At the gates of Heaven I will say "Thank You God!  What a ride!  May I have Another!".



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