A Resolution For Life

"To Laugh more, have more Fun, Love Deeper, be more Calm, have more Peace and be more Spontaneous than last year!"

  Laird Hamilton  Big Wave Surfer

So How would you feel if you laughed more this year than last?  More Time laughing with your very best of friends!  Family!  Being with and laughing with  the ones you love the most!  What about laughing at work?   Do you find humor at work?  Do you have the relationships were life feels more like play than actual work?  How would that feel?  You are so excited to get up and going every day. You just can't wait to get out of bed in the morning?  That would be Great!  Right!?!

What if you had more fun this year than last?  More fun with family and friends!  You seek out opportunities to just have fun!  

What if you loved deeper this year than last?  What if you felt the love of those have for you more this year than last?  What would that look like?  To love another Human Being more and more each day is a true blessing!

What if you had more calm? More Peace in in your life than last year?  Become more quiet? More self acceptance?  More Self love?  Your life experience would it not be a better place?

What if you were more Spontaneous?  Just said "WTF!  Lets do it!"  Stop letting your fears dictate how you feel or what you do!  Just Do It!  Embrace the Life you are given!  Breathe excitement and energy into everything you do!  Don't hold back!

Laird is right!  Live your Life  with  more Laughter,  more Fun, more Love,  more Calm and be more Spontaneous than the previous year!

Life is a choice.  It is your choice.  Only you can make the choice this year to Laugh more, have more Fun, to Love deeper, be more calm and be more Spontaneous than last year.  IT IS UP TO YOU!

These are the foundations of a Hero's Journey!  Every year make this your annual resolution!

“Start each day with a sense of purpose.  Drink in all the 

Bewilderment Excitement and Joy the Day has to offer as 

though it’s your first day on Earth.  Live each day as though it

is your last!”



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