
Showing posts from January, 2020


When I was growing up as a young man a metaphor  I was taught by my tribal  leaders was about a Kite.  When you fly a Kite the string is what gives the Kite its stability.  The stings connected to the ground is what keeps the Kite in flight and not whisked away in the wind. Keep a tight hold to the ground through the string.   The Kite is you, the Sting is the principles taught. This guiding principles are what will keep you grounded and safe. I asked the question "What if there is a storm?  A Kite bound to the ground by string will  that not tear apart the Kite?".  The string becomes a burden.    Like the elephant and the string. A false thought.   A chain.  What If I am not a Kite?  But an Eagle?  Then the string becomes a rope that ties me down.  Causing me  harm.  Preventing me from soaring high above the storm. It Keeps me from soaring high in flight and reaching my f...

WOD "Workout Of The Day #1"

January 20, 2020 This is a one round with a 40 rep attempt at each station.  The idea is to use a weight that on the last few reps your are spent!  This WOD can be done with less weight and more reps or more weight less reps and then repeat the circuit 2 or 3 rounds (20 reps/3 rounds, 30 reps/ 2 rounds, 40 to 60 reps/1 round for time)  Adjusting the weight with each exercise attempt accordingly.  Warm Up Box Breathing  5 Minutes Flow State Yoga 20 minutes (see Yoga Flow post) 100 Burpees The Workout AB Roller set of 30 out and back Left Right Center Plank 1 Minute Cable Back Down Pull set 40 reps/40# Knee Extension 40 reps/90# Bench Press 40 Rep/135# Sand Bag Dead Lift 50# 40 rep set  Dumb Bell Curls 40 rep/17.5# Dumb Bell Kick Backs From a Pull Position 40 Rep set/17.5# Air Squats 40 Rep set Dumb Bell Military Press 40 Rep set/ 15 #  Hammer-Military Dumb Bell Curl set 35/15# Battle Rope 2" 1 minute su...

Functional Fitness

On My Death Bed I want to say, “I am glad I did, not that I wished I had!” What is functional fitness.  It is fitness for Life! Fitness for movement.  Being functionally fit means you have the strength and flexibility required to live  life at its fullest potential.   To have work capacity, endurance and strength. Flow if you will though all aspects of your life.    You must be ready for what ever life is going to through at you!  It is having a balance between strength, work capacity, endurance, flexibility and mental toughness.  You need to train in all of these areas. When you are functionally fit you are ready to take on anything.  You want to go for a run, a hike, a mountain bike ride,  surfing, SCUBA diving, a big back packing trip or life calls upon you to get to work.   When I get the call the Surf is Up or the Storms are Dumping Powder, I want to be physically ready, no hesitation.  Getting it done...

Yoga Flow 1

"The Flow Of The Breath" The practice of Yoga builds mental toughness, flexibility, balance and strength.  This is my Daily practice. Enjoy!  Do not forget to SMILE!   The "Flow State Yoga"  Routine: Start with 5 minutes of Box Breathing followed my 5 to 10 minutes of Meditation.   I  use the breath to transition.  Inhale, exhale move (flow) to the next.  I use the Deep Breath as "stop" anywhere from 2 to 5 breaths.  I am listening to my body.  What is it saying?  How are my muscles feeling?  Are they tight?  Is there pain?  Warmth?  How is My balance?  How is my breath effected by the transition or sitting in the pose.   I move slow and intentional.   Moving gently through each transition.  Remember to breathe.   Through your nose comes in  the breath.  Bringing fresh oxygen.  Energy.  Abundance!  "You got this" I say to my s...

Tools for Success! Climbing The Physical Mountain Post #1

“20 years from now you will only be disappointed in the things you Didn’t do than by the things you did do.  So throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore, Dream, Discover!”   Mark Twain The Physical Mountain!  Simple but hard.  Painful!  So Rewarding!  With the Right tools in your tool chest makes getting the job done so much more fun!  Soon I will post the tools I use in the Kitchen.  For battle to over take and summit this mountain will be won in the Kitchen!  It is the Fuel you feed the machine determines how this Human body of yours will function at its very best or worst.  The work outs can be done anywhere any place any time!    I thought I would share the tools I use and will be using as I post future blogs on my WOD s ( W ork O ut of the D ay).  For around $500 (minus the Smith machine and Spin bike), you can build yourself a ...


“We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.” — Dalai Lama Funny thing manure.  It has a smell that can be down right over powering!  You immediately recognizing it when you smell it.  I was once told by a General Surgeon if you don't know Shit don't mess with it.  What he was referring to was the bowel.  If you can't fix the  issue you may find yourself  operating on, leave it to the ones who know what they are doing.  For me as a Gynecological Surgeon it meant to stay in my zip code, the pelvis when operating.  Good advice.  Stay away from shit!   In life maybe there is similar advise we should heed.    We have those people in our lives that are constantly negative. In a constant state of drama.  They are the first to tell all of the their problem(s). How bad their life is.  How bad their life smells because every day they get up and take all ...

It's My Tribe! Don't Mess With My Tribe!

My tribe: We are health minded physically active people. We pursue excellence in all things but understand there is no such thing as perfection.  We are visionary dreamers and leaders. We are calm of spirit and nonjudgmental. Giving unselfishly. We understand the value of friendship and family. We seek to better ourselves and make the world a better place.  We serve ourselves as well as others. We work from a place from within our selves moving outward.  Being the change in the world we want to see.   We love life and are forgiving of our selves and others.  We back away, disengage or avoid negative energy. We pursue financial stability. We seek monetary reward to strengthen our foundations. The goal is to make a more simple life but yet live a high quality of life.   Less dependent on others and work toward self reliance. We are not necessarily focused on material but on lifestyle.  Quality over quantity.  ...

Attitude of Gratitude "1,000 Thank Yous"

"Mahalo Ke Akua" Mahalo "Thank You".  Ke Akua, "God". Thank you for the clean air that I breath, the fresh water  I drink, the healthy food I eat and the roof over my head.  Most importantly, Thank You for all the wonderful loving people that  have been in my life, currently in my life and  who will come into my life! Pure Joy is found in the service of others.  When you practice Gratitude, you start to serve, bringing  pure Joy into your life!  Having an Attitude of Gratitude  is found in a practice of Gratitude.  Every day I get up and start my AM ritual.  Part my ritual is to write in my Gratitude Journal.  I start with the 3 things I am  most grateful this day.  As I have done this, I am now experiencing  a shift from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset.    M ahalo,  "Thank You".  Ke Akua, "God".  Thank you for the clean air that I breath, the fresh water...