
Showing posts from 2024

Mother in Laws

  This past week my Mother In Law passed away.  I reflected on the her and her life.  Our relationship.  What I learned from her.   In our culture you hear a lot of negative commentary made toward relationships with ones Mother In Law. There may or may not be some truth to the lense that one may see their Mother In Law.   When I met her I got the impression she was not impressed and had genuine concern over her daughter marrying me.   For I was not the Returned Missionary she was hopping for her daughter.  I had long hair and looked like I walked out of a Poison MTV video.  I was a 4th year college student in a 2 year college working as a meat cutter/truck driver. I was not an active member of the LDS Church.  I grew up in a divorced home.   Most of my family was "Jack Mormon".  Meaning they drank coffee and known to have a cold beer on occasion.   Needless to say I did not meet the cultural standards and her expectations of a Son In Law.   I dated LDS girls before meeting my

Tao 23

Power over others: The Others is Self. With this understanding we use power wisely. Open yourself up to be one with Tao (God). Be able to express yourself.  Be in the moment.  Then get quiet. When life is raining.  Be the rain.  Rain hydrates the world around you.  A life saving force. When the wind of life is  blowing, be the wind.   Wind brings in new oxygen to the world around you.  The wind blows the leafs and cleans the garden of debris.   When the clouds of life reside, be the sun.  Shining warmth down on to the world around you.  Giving new energy to your surroundings.  Sunlight is the energy of life. The life source that energises your heart and the energy within the hearts of others.  Open yourself to Tao (God) you are now one with Tao.  Open to new Ideas.  Become new Ideas. Open to loss.  Become loss.  Learn form it.  Grow from it.  Be better for it. Now open to Tao (God), you trust yourself.  Everything falls into place! Good day my Friends!  

Tao #24 "Just Let Go"

  If you want to  aline with the Tao "God", Just do your job and let go. Do your job and let go, you stand on firm ground.  Do your job and let go, your light will shine. Do your job and let go, you empower yourself. Do your job and let go , you share your creations with the world. Good day my friends!

The Coin

  For Christmas in 2023 I gave a Decision coin to those I care deeply about.  I continue to give the coins and over the past year I have given out over 100.   What is a Decision coin you may ask? It is a coin used to make decisions of course.  When you find yourself in a position you need to make a choice between 2 things.  Assign one choice Heads and one Tails.  Flip the coin.  Where it lands is the one you go with it.   Do not look back! This started for me when I was on a trip the to the Big Island with close friends and my son Scott.  We found ourselves multiple times trying to make a choice on what to do, where to go or what to eat.  He would pull out this coin and say Head or Tails!  Flip it.  Off we could go! Scott would later explain he got the idea from a book about a gentleman that use he would use a set of Decision Dice or coin to make all of his life decisions.  The book was the story of his life and how he experienced life making decisions in this way.  When you really thi

Tao #25 Perfection

  Before the Universe was born there was perfection without form. Mother (God) Tao, giving birth to All things. Nourishes them and cares for them.  Protects and takes them back to itself. The 4 great powers: Man, Earth, Universe and Tao (God).  All are one! Therefore you are Tao (God).  You never left.  Tao (God) never left you.   For the belief that you are separated from Tao (God) is false. A teaching created by Man to gain power and control.  This is not of Tao (God) but of ignorance (Ego).   A position of loss realization that  Tao (God) and Man are one in the same.  Be who you are.  Tao (God).   Knowing this, is self empowerment!  Peace, Joy, Pure Love.  It is Ok!   Everything is alright.  Have a great day!


Trees. You can learn a lot from a tree.  Trees absorb the energy given freely from the sun and turn it into food so they can grow.   They share their fruit with others to be feed as well.  They breath in carbon dioxide and breath out oxygen. Filling the world with life giving resource so others can live. In the Fall they let go of their dead leaf’s so in the spring they can renew.  What if you were like a tree?   You take in energy  from the Universe to nourish your soul creating positivity to share. What if you took in  the toxins you encountered changed them, and then released them back into the world to give and support life. What if in the Fall’s of your experiences you let go of your dead leaf’s?  The thoughts, beliefs that no longer serve you. The negativity that holds you back.  Letting go so you can renew, grow and become stronger in the springs of your life experiences.  What if you could be more like a tree? Good day my friends!

Tao #28 Balance

  Know the male. Keep the Female. It is knowing the Yin and Yang. The balance allows you to open your arms to receive the world.  Do this and become a child.  Because you know the light you understand the dark. Though this knowledge, Tao (God) is strong within you. There is nothing you can't do. Know the personal (thy self). In doing so, You can accept the world. For  this allows Tao to illuminate within. You become a tool of the Tao (God) to be use in all things. The Yin and Yang.  Being in Balance between inside and out.  Balance allows Tao to reside with you always!  Bringing Peace, Joy, Love and Strength. Be in Balance! Good Day My Friends!

TAo #33

  Seek to understand others, as you get to know them you gain intelligence. Seek to understand yourself, by knowing thyself you gain True Wisdom. Through self Mastery you gain True Power. Understanding you have enough makes you Rich! Be  in balanced.  Live Centered.  Though this you can totally embrace Death.  From this place, you flow with and become one again with Tao/God. Enduring forever. Good Day my Friends! My interpretation of the Stephen Mitchell's Book "tao te ching" tao #33.

The Duck Dive

"The wise person not choosing to jump into floodwaters, but when surrounded by them, accepting struggle, endure by choosing peace over war".   Seneca, Moral Letters, 28.7 This is surfing.  Actually, this is Life!  A  surfer paddling into big waves, will relax, go with the flow.  Meets the  wave.  Duck dives under the wave avoiding the full power and upward force.  Drawing onto the face of the wave.  The same can be true in life when facing daunting and overwhelming stress, tragedy negativity or trauma.  What is a "Duck Dive"?   It's when a surfer changes their position on the board as large wave approaches.  Large waves have the force to pick up and crash the surfer down on to the reef.   The wave also has an opposite and protective energy. There are dual and opposite forces creating a wave.  The one we all see on the surface of the Ocean.  Moving forward.  The wave rises up as it moves toward the beach.  The other is moving in the opposite direction.  This forc

40 Days A Son's Wisdom

  "40 Days" Recently my son Scott and I are sitting in the back yard taking in the stars. Spending  time together.  A great way to close the day.   Cold Beers in hand he starts asking me questions.   "Dad, How old are you now?".  "So, What is the average life expectancy of a man in the United States today?"  I start thinking  "where is this going?'.   Knowing how smart he is and how intuitive he is I start thinking this is going to go deep.  So, Dad.  "How many days/experiences have we had this year together?"  "Two" I answered. He then does some simple math.  If you live to the average age of 75 years of age, that calculates to  on average you have 20 years left.  We spent 2 days together this year.  That totals 40 days. "What?" I said.  Yes.  Think about it.  On average, you and I have 40 days left together.  Then you are gone!  I didn't tell him my goal is to go surfing on my 100th birthday.  He makes a good po