Be Brave!
To Mr Hogge Principal Bountiful High,
Regards to Name change:
We are the Bountiful Brave.
So I checked the dictionary:
To be (a) Brave:
“ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage.”
endure or face (unpleasant conditions or behavior) without showing fear.
Google what does the word Brave mean?
having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty : having or showing courage a brave soldier a brave smile.
This is how I saw/see us? No? Is this not who we are?
When you refer to me as an Native American Brave I consider it highest of honors. A show of respect!
I do my very best to hold to a standard of excellence that comes with such an honor!
That’s what Native American Brave s are! The very best of the best! No Fear! Full of courage! No quit! The leaders of the tribe! Most importantly full of love for their people! Willing to give their life for.
Saying this is a racist issue is disgraceful and disrespectful. We as the Bountiful Braves celebrated what it means to be Brave!
You can change the name to be PC. In my opinion this is degrading what we stand for and who we are! It degrades and disrespects the Native American Warriors!
Having our mascot as the Braves only shows reverence and respect for the Native American Worriers.
Braves! The best of the best! The leaders of our tribe, the human tribe! Inclusion! Not separate or divided! We are the best, the strongest the brightest! We are winners!
My adoptive given Navajo Name is Little Bear and we are the BOUNTIFUL BRAVES!
His email is
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