Find Peace Under The Wave

"The wise person not choosing to jump into floodwaters, but when surrounded by them, accepting struggle, endure by choosing peace over war".  

Seneca, Moral Letters, 28.7

This is surfing.  Actually this is Life! 

Paddling into big waves. Just relax, go with the flow of the ocean, duck dive under the wave avoiding the full power and negative forces. 

By changing your perception of your position, you avoid the trauma of the negative energy crashing down on you.  You save yourself from the pain of being rolled.  Avoiding the possibility finding yourself  pinned to the bottom of the ocean.  

Duck diving, you find yourself at peace under the wave surrounded by the peaceful silence of submersion. The wave passes over head.  You arise to keep moving forward without loss of position. 

You can do this in life.  When you identify the waves (drama)  of life are about to crash down on you, take a breath.  Duck dive.  Arise.  Continuing  to move with positive momentum.

Good day my friends!


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