
Showing posts from March, 2020

Be Bold

Be Bold To be willing to take risks. Be willing to be vulnerable, exposed while at the same time being brave and strong. Stand for something. Go for it! Turn Left in a Right turning tribe. A willingness to be different. When You fail/fall get right back up and learn from your mistakes. Overcoming obstacles,   Facing fear and feeding the Courage Wolf. A mental attitude of Fear(less).  Attitude of Gratitude.  A positive mental state!


  Be Charming Think Sincere. Charming is the ability to listen. Make others feel comfortable, safe, liked and loved. Alleviate one’s fears and anxiety.  Delightful and full of positive energy. Seek common ground. Reflect Joy and warmth. SMILE! Polished in speech as well as appearance. A motivator.  The habit of being a example for good. Use both verbal and nonverbal language to communicate kindness, love and acceptance of others. Work to build others up. The action of self love, acceptance and genuine toward others. w

Accountability Mirror

The Accountability Mirror.  What is it?  Goggins describes it like this:  You get up go to the mirror.  Who is looking back?   Are you seeing the person you expected?  Can you see your future Kick Ass self somewhere in the mirror?  Ask yourself "What is it going to take to get there?  What do you have to do".  Are you willing to do what it takes?  Are you willing to SUFFER?  Are you willing to get after it?  Are your willing to sacrifice? Who are You?  Are you seeing the person reflect back at you the person you think you are?  Or do you have work to do.  Are you Accountable?  Is what you do in private reflecting what you do and how you act in public? This is the starting line to your future!  Now is the time!  No longer are you looking at the wake of your life!  But setting the course from the front!  You see your future! It is Awesome! Now is the time!  The time to...

Social Distancing COVID-19 What I can do!

The time is now  that we as a community  need to work together.  This is not the time to sit in judgment and cast blame for the decisions made.  The wake left behind is just that, a wake.  It is not what is driving the course of the boat.  Looking backwards will not help.  It is time for calm and set our sights on a  swift corrective course of  action toward a solution. The social distancing is not in place to prevent the illness but slow to   it down.   The health care system needs to be able to care for the COVID-19 patient as well as for example:   your father with a heart attack,   grandmother with a stroke or a pregnant mother and her child.   If we work together, we can and will overcome and   beat this. So, what can we do? 1.          Stay home.   Practice social distancing.   Refrain from going out into public except for vital necessities.  ...